Trying to keep my femininity alive while grappling with unhappy birds of prey and hiking the trails of Elk Island National Park.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

If I don't read this title often enough it'll turn feral.

The young eagle has continued to improve, but has not stopped exhibitting clear signs of habituation. The only possible cure for that is a bunch of other eagles.

I hauled him outside.

He took flight.

He baffled himself.

Don't look at me, eagle, you put yourself there.

He found his way down.

He surveyed his new roommates.

He took flight again.

He... well, he's young.

He settled in.

Yeah, that's him on top. That's our resident Thor with the open beak vocalizing his opinion of the seating arrangement.

The eagle closest to the foreground is the one that's been flying around. He's due to be released amid much pomp and ceremony. A local lodge is holding a pow wow for him.

The eagle hiding and running away in the back is hiding and running away from me. After hauling the baby out I hauled him in for a wing check and rebandage (visible on his wing there), so he doesn't like me very much. His wing's doing well.

All three will survive their maladies. In the case of the baby it's a true miracle. I only today found out what his bloodwork results were when he was admitted. Well below the threshold at which birds are expected to survive.

It's the year of the eagle indeed. Happily it will be a successful year.

Meanwhile I'm just delighted that Thor has company.

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