Diva would like to wish everyone the opportunity to sit and post in peace...
...without getting bumped off their perches by Brigitte's hyper brother. Diva also wishes that dumb dog would stop looking at him.
A very different looking bird without his perch, our Diva.
The snowy wishes that said dumb dog would stop racing around her enclosure.
...but knows from experience that the silly beast won't.
Brigitte... ah, who knows? Brigitte probably wishes he was a hundered feet tall and trampling a metropolis, but this is Brigitte. He could just as easily be wishing he was an eggplant.
The Ferruginous wishes she was the most spoiled rottenest bird ever to stay at the shelter, and is quite pleased with how that's coming along. It's quite charming, actually. Mrs. G and I had been working with another bird, and Mrs. G - who runs the shelter with her husband - was cleaning it's cage before I put it back. She stepped into the other cage room on the other side of the main treatment area and I heard the sweetest bird call I'd ever heard, but a bird call I'd never heard before in my life. I asked Mrs. G what it was. The look of love flashed in that woman's eye, and she replied "that's my Ferruginous Hawk".
The Ferruginous has taken to commenting on my comings and goings in and out of her cage room too, and I know she does the same for Mr. and Lil G (the G's daughter). She really called for Mrs. G, though. How beautiful. For as hard as that woman works I'm not suprised that the most intelligent bird I've ever seen has taken a particular shine to her.
Great blog you have here. My Dad is Abraham Lincoln, he pointed me in this direction. I love the owl pictures you have posted, and the old posting with that mouse, amazing little recovery he's having. I'll be back!
I just dropped by to say hi. I like the pictures you have here. Must be great, your job; being in the park with the birds, animals and tres I could like that life.
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I like the pictures you just posted. They are marvelous.
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